Toki no Kairou 時の回廊 [White Cyc]

December 22, 2019
Foreword: Toki no Kairou wins marginally in the joint poll of the year. It's quite curious to see what White Cyc first game is like compared to games of the big brother Black Cyc.

VN of the Year 2005 and POLL for EXTRA review

December 17, 2019
Year 2005 was awesome. It's the golden age for plotge. Plots have become so diverse and complex that a lot more time is required to crack them up. My new approach to pick up all the titles I like doesn't help to move faster either. In addition, my base corresponds VNDB base of 2017, and it's time to synchronize. There are 230 new titles to add from 1980 till 2005, plus a dozen of old titles that I found out over time and finally can describe properly, let alone the need to refresh openings links. So Till January of 2020 there will only be Extra review of the year, then I'll be updating old articles. 1983 and 1984 years already received an update. 
New portion of Visual Novel Openings 2005 with songs.

Yatohime Zankikou 夜刀姫斬鬼行 [Terios]

December 15, 2019
Foreword: Yatohime Zankikou has an absolutely starry staff, great chuni story, astonishing visuals and lots of fighting girls. Everything promises the ultimate score, but why average scores are just between 7 and 8 then?

Aekanaru Sekai no Owari ni あえかなる世界の終わりに [Caramel Box]

December 06, 2019
Foreword: Finally a Caramel Box game with a plot that I can actually enjoy. But online RPG development took me by surprise, so I'm totally sold here.

Dragonia ドラゴニア [Hirameki International]

December 01, 2019
Foreword: Dragonia remains in obscurity while being localized. That's a strange situation, so I wanted to check why.
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