Concerto Note コンチェルトノート [Applique]

September 24, 2020
Foreword: I guess Concerto Note won the poll for extra review, because of partial English release that turned out to be a total scam covering literally only the first three minutes of the game where absolutely nothing is told, and no introductions are made. A lot of years ago I took this bait as well. Now it's time to satisfy that curiosity.

VN of the Year 2008 and POLL for EXTRA review

September 17, 2020
Year 2008 started with two failed months, continued strong, but by the end lost a lot of appeal for me. There is not a single full 10/10 masterpiece (although technically Dies irae reworked version may be counted), but the overall number of masterpieces is again 20, exactly the same as in 2007, so can't complain here. New portion of Visual Novel Openings 2008 with songs.

永遠の終わりに Eien no Owari ni [Tama-Soft]

September 15, 2020
Foreword: There was very limited selection of games to choose from in December, but I chose Eien no Owari ni because of phrase unfinished masterpiece that I glanced in some review. The fact that Tama-Soft made Lost Child also matters a lot for me.

VN of the Month December 2008 - 428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~

September 13, 2020
428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~ is VN of the Month. But since it's translated already, will review Eien no Owari ni . Micchi focuses mostly on gameplay visual novels, but there are lots of comments to enjoy.

Kokorono ココロノ [FlyingShine Black]

September 11, 2020
Foreword: FlyingShine was never a good brand, it only flew and shined with invited writer stars like Tanaka Romeo, Setoguchi Ren'ya and Takemiya Yuyuko. But its works always try to seem more mysterious than they are. Kokorono is just like that - a game that I can't see through from the start, so yet another time I try even though nothing good can come from it.

VN of the Month November 2008 - Shikkoku no Sharnoth -What a Beautiful Tomorrow-

September 09, 2020
With gameplay pieces taken aside, there's nothing else to call a VN of the Month but Shikkoku no Sharnoth -What a Beautiful Tomorrow- . Still don't consider it a masterpiece, though. I'm taking Kokorono for review because... don't know why, really. At the very least it poses some mystery for me. Does not look like micchi had a favorite this month either.

Volume 7 [RococoWorks]

September 07, 2020
Foreword: Dropped this game a decade ago, but I played all other RococoWorks visual novels, so I have a history with this brand, and I quite like its works.

VN of the Month October 2008 - Volume 7

September 05, 2020
Yay, I finally reached the point where micchi started his blog. It includes many games from August-September with super brief commentaries and no synopsis, but it's a start. Volume 7 is VN of the Month, reviewing it. Concerto Note is another masterpiece.

Supreme Candy しゅぷれ~むキャンディ~王道には王道たる理由があるんです!~ [Makura]

September 03, 2020
Foreword: Took Supreme Candy for review blindly, just because of the brand, so was not sure what to expect.

VN of the Month September 2008 - Sumaga

September 01, 2020
Sumaga is the only masterpiece, but it's not really a Nitroplus game in spirit, so I'd rather review game from KeroQ sister brand Makura Supreme Candy
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